Monday 17 August 2015

One Month of Forest





When they say time flies when you have kids, they really mean it. I can't believe as I'm writting this, Forest is five weeks old. I'm making a point to document every single moment possible through my blog and instagram. I mean, look at those photos, look how much he's grown already! It's crazy!
This first month with him has been a wonderful, exhausting adventure. Forest is a soft soul who loves the quiet, mom and dad, and the outdoors. He has rarely cried (only the few times he had some pretty bad cramps, poor guy) and has been a pure joy in our lives. 
We've had plenty of adventures together so far (which will come to the blog very soon)
He has been on his first hike, picnic, wedding, and more!
After being in the hospital for two days when he was born, Gavin and I were very excited to finally bring him home.
Getting accustomed to Forest and Parent life has come pretty naturally, which is likely thanks to how easy going our baby is. As a newborn, he sleeps alot, but when he's awake, he is incredibly alert! He is curious but likes to sleep when there is loud noise or alot of people around.
 He has captured the hearts of everyone who has met him so far ^.^
I can't wait to continue watching him grow and explore and see who he turns out to be.
* Has been smiling since day one
*lifts his head with ease and looks around (lifts his entire uper body and pulls himself forward)
*Little chuckles came at about 4 weeks
*Has started putting pressure on his feet, likes to stand and jump (with my supporting his neck and back)

Things that make him smile:
*Coming home after spending a couple days away or just having been out of the house for very long
*Gavin's darth vador voice
*When I rant to him about how much I love him and how sweet he is

I can tell already what a special soul he is, he is such a blessing on this earth, we are beyond blessed with this one.





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