Saturday 2 July 2016

R A I N Y D A Y S & H A P P Y S I G H S | #todayifeltbeautiful

This morning, my husband left for work and I was trying to get everything together for Forest and I to join my family on a camping trip for the weekend (something I've been really looking forward to.) But for health reasons I don't feel like talking about, I could not join them, however my parents asked to still bring Forest along since they would not be able to celebrate his birthday with us and planned on doing it at the camp with his cousins. So, I was alone and not feeling well, but outside it was cloudy and rainy (which you know is my most favorite weather) so I decided to go out for a coffee and felt instantly better being outdoors. Then my husband came home early and I asked him if he would join me on a rainy day adventure for the #todayifeelbeautifulportraitseries my dear Hannah started. The day began a little crummy but ended up giving me time with my husband, time to rest, and time to enjoy the soft fall of the rain and cool air that, when it washes over me, makes me feel beautiful. Especially when I'm with the one my soul loves, laughing and kissing in the rain.

I hope you do take the time to feel beautiful today too, dear reader x

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